Paradigm Imaging Group Introduces SID XL 1390 Laser Engraver

Paradigm Imaging Group is excited to announce the newest addition to the SID Signs line of signage equipment, the innovative XL 1390 Laser Engraver. The new XL 1390 Laser Engraver can expand services and enhance production. The production of engraved POP displays, award plaques, architectural signage and promotional items are a few examples of how the new SID XL 1390 Laser Engraver can expand shops' services. With a working area of 51 x 35 inches (1,300 x 900 millimeters), the XL 1390 engraver brings a new dimension to flatbed lasers and allows it to handle the most common standard material sizes, increasing efficiency due to the large working area. The U.S.-manufactured sensors and precision laser cutting head ensure precise engraving of the finest details, such as circles only 2 millimeters in diameter. Additional applications encompass fabric cutting, shoe-making, furniture, packaging, molding and monument engraving. 
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