Vermont Air Permitting Issues

Written October 17, 2019

Vermont has a Title V air permitting program in place. Sources with the potential to emit more than 100 tons of VOC per year, or 10 tons of one hazardous air pollutant (HAP) or 25 tons of a combination of Hazardous air pollutants are required to apply for a Title V permit.

THE AQCD Permitting and Engineering Section installs two permitting programs: Permits to Construct and Permits to Operate. Permits to Construct are required prior to the beginning of construction or any modifications to an air pollution emitting facility. Permits to Operate includes all air pollution related requirements a facility may be subject to. This permit must be renewed every 5 years.

Incinerators, industrial processes (furniture manufacturing, coating operations, wood products manufacturing, chemical, rubber, plastic and resin manufacturing, concrete batching, hot mix asphalt production, metal melting, reclamation and fabrication), fuel burning equipment (diesel engines, boiler and gas turbines depending on size and fuel type), electrical power generation, animal byproduct processes, and mineral processing operations (rock crushing and/or screening operations), or if your facility emits ten (10) tons per year or more of all aggregated criteria pollutants, then the facility needs a permit to construct and/or operate.