Your Business Can't Win Without a Tribe

Feb. 27, 2020 - Feb. 27, 2020 • 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM EST


ABOUT: Attendees will come away with an understanding that one cannot succeed in our expanding print industry by standing alone on an island. Build a tribe of like-minded and goal-driven individuals within our industry, partner with complementary technologies, and hear about real-world success stories to motivate you and your business. This session will include: Identify the difficulties of "doing it alone"; Discuss the significant milestones in your life and how many would have been that much more difficult, if not impossible without the help of others; Finding that perfect partnership or technology to help your business and more importantly, your customers business do things better, differently or efficiently; How do you build a Tribe and what to do with one?; Building a partnership or tribe takes time, it's about the long game, and can bring tremendous mutual benefits; Discuss real-world business strategies working today; Challenge yourself to look at your current business, identify where those outside your current tribe could benefit both you and them.


Presenter: Bob Monte, EFI

WHO'S THIS FOR: Company Owners, Management Teams, HR Teams